I have two forms opened at the same time and both forms have a grid on it.
the formA have gridA bound to winDataSourceA, and the formB have gridB bound to winDataSouceB.
the winDataSourceA and winDataSourceB have about 2000 rows.
the gridA with winDataSourceA have to update data frequently, about 250 times a second.
its performance is perfect.
but when I scroll the scrollbar on gridB quickly, I found that gridA stop updating until I stop scrolling.
when I stop scrolling the gridB, the value of gridA jumps to the correct value and resumes update.
Could you please give me some suggestions about this situation?
in my system, the gridA needs update value immediately.
Thanks a lot.
sorry, I can't understand what you mean..
In my scenario, the two forms have opened,
the FormA have to modify the data in grid frequently and FormB just display a grid.
when I scroll the scroll bar in FormB, the updating action in GridA stops until I stop scrolling...
I don't know what kind of job can be put in another thread...
update grid data in gridA or scrolling in gridB?
if I create a Thread, and then?
what kind of job this thread do?
Could you please give me more clear example?
The thread limitation is about control a UI element from an another thread, but if your code and the form are in the same thread, that's OK. Just create a method that creates the form and opens it. Then create a Thread and call thread.Start().
I don't know how to create the forms in a separate threads...
As far as I know, there is a UI thread limitation: only the UI thread can control these UI controls.
is there any other way can go?
Could you please give me some examples?
thanks a lot!!
You probably making the UI thread busy. You can create the forms in a seperate threads.