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unable to see wingrids on designer or access the ultragrid designer

I just joined a project that is using an old version of Infragistics from 2006. (6.3.20063.1074) We are using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and there are all kinds of problems with the Infragistics controls in the current setup. This project cannot upgrade to the latest version because it would require hundreds of teams to re-deploy. The list of problems are:

1.  Unable to visually see the WinGrid on the designer form, however there is an icon representation of each grid in the "control area" at the bottom of the designer.

2.  Since I'm unable to see the WinGrid in the designer area I am unable to right click it and choose "UltraGrid Designer" to design a custom row layout needed for the project. Right clicking the icon in the control area shows no option for UltraGrid Designer and nor is there any such option visible in the properties window.

3.  When opening a form with a WinGrid two issues occur:

1.  in it the .resx file is re-written incorrectly and specifically the .Location attribute is reset to "0, 0" which is causing a major issue.

2.  The designer is re-written incorrectly for the bands. The part that starts with global should not be there it should just be string.empty or "".

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridBand ultraGridBand1 = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridBand(global::Dell.IDD.Customer.Resources.Customer.customerapplication_customerapplication_partyhistory_lblshowallnotes, -1);

Any suggestions are welcome to resolve these issues.

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