I tried to add a line chart to a composite chart and this line chart is bound to a datatable.
after i set the datasource of a series, this chart was blank...
I found some examples about to add line charts in composite chart, but they add points in code, not bound to a datatable.
Would you please show me a example about how to add a line chart that bound to a datatable to a composite chart?
the datatable like this:
A100 A200 A300 A400 A500
TypeA 10 14 8 -10 -5
TypeB 15 5 -5 -3 0
I tried to draw two lines in this chart and will add other charts in this composite chart.
thanks a lot.
You can bind data source to a series and add this series to the series collection:
NumericSeries series = new NumericSeries();
series.Data.DataSource = table;