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We have grids which shows like this

 A    B  C       D1   D2    D3 ...    D99  D100

where D1, D2 .... D100 are date columns and A, B, C are some other fields on that record


        1.  User should be able to reorder fields A, B, C anywhere to the left of D1

         2. User should NOT be able to change order of D1, D2, ... D100 at all. The reason is obvious. We do not want to column for April 10 (D5) to show before April 9 (D4)

For requirement 2, I would like to set AllowColMoving to NotAllowed only for D columns to keep them frozen in place. From what I  am reading and experiencing, UltraGrid set it for the whole grid or none. If that is indeed the case, what is my option to keep only D column  from being moved?



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