i have MainToolbarsManager and it's contain toolbar1(button1,button2, label1) .i set IsMainMenuBar = True,for toolbar1.
My Question is : How I can make the Label1 that inside the toolbar1 is Align = right ? like the follwing :
button1, button2......................................................Label1
I can suggest you two possibilities:
Option1: Insert a new tool with "ToolType = Lable" and "Caption = 'empty'; ". Then resize the "empty lable" to desire size and after the "empty lable" insert your "Label 1" .
Option 2: If you don`t want to include "empty lable", you can resize your "Lable 1" with the code below:
ultraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars[0].Tools[2].SharedProps.Width = 300;
Both options will look like attached screen shoot:
If you use option 1, you can also set the SharedProps.Spring=True on the "empty" Label field. This way, anything to the right of the empty label will appear right justified whenever the form is resized.
James is correct. Using an empty label tool with a Spring property set to True is the correct way to right align (or bottom align on vertical toolbars) all tools after it.
Also, you must set the toolbars's Settings.FillEntireRow property to True.