Hello, I'm looking for the property that will allow me to choose the multiple days of the week that I want in the repeating pattern. Say I want Tuesday and Thursday, or Monday, Wednesday, Friday, How would I accomplish that. The DaysOfWeek Enum is using a binary number that would allow an integer representation, but assigning the pattern only accepts the fixed Enum.
Any help would be appreciated
The RecurrencePatternDaysOfWeek enumeration is decorated with the Flags() attribute, so you can logically OR values together.
Example:ObjEvtDay.Recurrence.PatternDaysOfWeek = RecurrencePatternDaysOfWeek.Tuesday Or RecurrencePatternDaysOfWeek.Thursday
Interesting; I was hoping for an easier way to just plug the calculated binary equlivant integer in since I'm using my own appointment editor form. I have to think about it, but I really don't want to have to do some huge case block for all the possible combinations.
Anyway this will keep me going, thanks for the information.
Gatesay said:I was hoping for an easier way to just plug the calculated binary equlivant integer in since I'm using my own appointment editor form.
Gatesay said:I really don't want to have to do some huge case block for all the possible combinations.
Yeah, what your talking about is what I want to do. A simple 7 conditional expressions. I just didn't see how to accomplish that using the enumerations that were provided. So I will try to use the vb typcast to assign the proper calculated value for the selections made and let you know if that works.
Thanks for the additional info.
After your help I did get it figured out and will post some code I setup to read a 7 element array that I stored the checkbox values in. This returns the properly formated string that I can now assign to my ObjEvtDay.Recurrence.PatternDaysOfWeek.. (sorry its so small but pasting code in this form has proved difficult.)