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How can i add UltraProgressBar in Ultragrid programmatically?



i have this class :

  Public Class DivaObjectDesign
        Inherits DivaObject

        Private _progressBar As ProgressBar

        Public Sub New()
        End Sub

        Public Property ProgressBar() As ProgressBar
                Return _progressBar
            End Get
            Set (ByVal value As ProgressBar)
                _progressBar = value
            End Set
        End Property

        Private Sub InitializeProgressBar()
            Me.ProgressBar = New ProgressBar
            Me.ProgressBar.Minimum = 0
            Me.ProgressBar.Maximum = 100
            Me.ProgressBar.Value = 50
        End Sub

    End Class

when i bind to the grid, it works but i don't have the progressbar, i have ""

i suppose that i have to inherits from ultragridcell or something like that?

is there a way to avoid telling the grid the type of column, i wish to do this transparently from business objects


Thank you,


Kind Regards