Hi Team,
We are using _grid.Print(UltragridLayout, PrintDocumemt, RowPropertyCategories) function for printing the grid. However, we found the memory increased everytime there is a printing opertaion and it never goes down even after printing. This caused our system stale after several time large grid pritning.
I did a profiling for the printing. I found ultraColumns will be doubled after we did a printing operation.Below is the stack trace how these duplicated columns are generated.(Tried both on infragistic 8.2 and infragistic 9.1, all have the same issue)
UltraGridBand.InitColumns(UltraGridBand[])UltraGridBand.InitListManager(BindingManagerBase, string, UltraGridBand[])UltraGridColumn.InitPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor, UltraGridBand[])UltraGridBand.InitColumns(UltraGridBand[])UltraGridBand.InitListManager(BindingManagerBase, string, UltraGridBand[])UltraGridLayout.ListManagerUpdated(BindingManagerBase)UltraGridLayout.ListManagerUpdated()UltraGrid.PrintHelper(UltraGridLayout, PrintDocument, RowPropertyCategories)UltraGrid.Print(UltraGridLayout, PrintDocument, RowPropertyCategories)
Any idea what's the reason for this and how to fix it?
Many Thanks,
Hello Xin,
I believe that I have already answered you in the following forum thread:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.