Hi allWithin my application I now use WinSchedule and it worksalmost fine.I only have two little problems:First I created a form with "UltraCalendarInfo" and "UltraDayView"on it. When I created a appointment with reminder, the Reminder Dialogshows automaticly when the time was come.Now I have moved "UltraCalendarInfo" out of the form into a static variable,because I want to have reminders showing without having a additional form open.Everything works fine, except the Reminders Dialog does not show automaticly.Does anybody knows how to get this done ?The second little problem is:When I doubleclick the "UltraDayView", the appointment dialog shows up.Normaly I would like to have dialogs displayed like CenterParent, but thisdialog always show somewhere on a different screen.How can I set location settings of this AppointmentDialog ?Thanks a lot and best regardsFrank Uray
Appointment app = new Appointment(Convert.ToDateTime(tempData.Rows[0]["dtVisitFrom"].ToString()), Convert.ToDateTime(tempData.Rows[0]["dtVisitTo"].ToString()));
app.BarColor = Color.Red;
app.Subject = "Meeting";
if ((tempData.Rows[0]["fltReminderAfterMin"]).ToString() != String.Empty)
app.Reminder.DialogText = "Reminder Reminder";
app.Reminder.DisplayIntervalUnits = DisplayIntervalUnits.Minutes;
app.Reminder.DisplayInterval = 5;
app.Reminder.SnoozeIntervalUnits = SnoozeIntervalUnits.Minutes;
app.Reminder.Enabled = true;
app.Reminder.Snoozed = true;
In this example my Reminder doesnot fires 5 mintes befor appointment ????
Can any one let me know what is not correct in these lines ???
or where I am making mistake
Hello Frank,
The reason the Appointment reminder doesn't show up is because the CalendarInfo object sets its parent form as the parent form of the dialog. If your application has a main windows that's always open, try putting the UltraCalendarInfo on that form and changing the modifier to internal.
For the second issue, you could create your own appointment dialog and display it when the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event fires. Just make sure you set e.Cancel to true so the built-in dialog doesn't display. You can access the Appointment object to edit with the e.Appointment property.
Hi Frank,
I will have someone on the team in Developer Support look into this matter and get back to you here.
Please note that the support level that comes with your purchased products applies in the forums as well. I would recommend that you register your product key so we will be notified whenever you post to the forums. The Register your Product page is located here: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Protected/ProductRegistration.aspx
No, I never get a solution from Infragistics ...
Did you find a solution to this problem? I have a similar problem of reminders not showing unless the tab it is on is visible.