Can anyone help with this issue?, I have been adding a TableLayoutPanel to a ControlContainerTool at runtime and having the TableLayoutPanel set to AutoSize = true causes the TableLayoutPanel to show outside the ControlContainerTool and the RibbonGroup it is in..and its not just that, if i set the RibbonGroup.Settings.CanCollapse = false the TableLayoutPanel dosent look like it is in the RibbonGroup when resizing the form..i have placed pictures for you to see what I am talking about:
You can see on the right that the TableLayoutPanel overlaps the button and
below you can see that on AutoSize = true for the TableLayoutPanel it draws outside the ControlContainerTool and/or RibbonGroup ..
Can anyone help please??
Ok, I am able to see the issue now. This has recently been fixed (bug id 88900) and should be included in the latest SR of 11.2. Try upgrading to this SR to see if it fixes your issue.
Hi Mike,
Use the project that references the 11.2 libraries and resize the window to normal state, not maximized.
I was not able to reproduce this exception with the sample provided. Are there any steps I need to perform to see the problem?
Here is the test project attached using the 11.2 libraries
Here is the test project using the 11.2 libraries