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Multi-band expansion doohickeys - [+] markers...

Simple question, if I have a band that has a sub band under it with NO data, how can I make the grid Not show the [+] beside the parent band's row as a default?  The [+] will be removed once I manually click on the row if it has no data, I simply do not want to to show if there is no data there to show in the sub band.

If I had a good name for the expansion doohickeys, I would have searched the forums but I have no clue what to even look for.



  • 5

    The doohickeys are called expansion indicators.

    You can optionally set the grid expansion indicators to check for children and disply only if children exist.   showExpansionIndicators.DisplayOnLoad which i believe is the default.  

    Beware if you have a lot of rows that the performance of your grid doesn't degrade since it must load the child records to determine if the indicator needs to be displayed.   This also defeats load on demand approach to inprove grid performance.