I created custom UIElement, which should draw transparent rectangle with a border and a text in it. I try to initialize it in CreationFilter (AfterCreateChildElements method) and add it to DayUIElement.
It works correctly. But also I want to have possibility to select on click another UIElements, which are under (behind) new one (TimeSlots, Appointments and others). For example, If new UIElement has width as DayUIElement and height as 10 TimeSlots, now it is not possible to select these slots by clicking on them.
How can I do this?
I think you can override the WantsInputNotification method and handle the cases for which you want the element to ignore the notification. For example, you would check the inputType notification and if it is MouseClick or MouseDownUp you would return false, in effect making the element "transparent" to mouse clicks, so they continue along to the elements "behind" that one.