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Upgraded from v6.2 to v8.3 and have column width issues

Hello... I've been using the ultragrid v6.2 in an application for a while with no problems... I recently needed to use the UltraFormattedTextEditor from v8.3, so I went ahead and swapped everything over to v8.3.  programmatically everything is fine but I immediately noticed the first column in one of my grids is way too wide and it can't be resized to be any smaller.  This grid is bound to a BindingList(of Customer), as are all the grids in my app (bound to a BindingList).  The only thing different about this grid is that some of the customers have a subcollection of additional customers.   The code I'm using to bind is as follows:

For Each cust As Customer In _customers.Values
         custClone = DirectCast(cust.Clone, Customer)
ugCustomers.DataSource = _customerGridCollection

I've got code to go through and do a PerformAutoResize on the main band and immediately after that, the column width in question shows 110 in the debugger, but still shows up at LEAST 600px wide in the grid.  It does this regardless of if I run the performautoresize code. 

If I make the subcollection of customers not browsable in the grid it looks good, but I need the subcollections visible.  When looking at the bands collection it now has 391 bands instead of three that were in the list  before the 8.3 upgrade. 

Any ideas on what I can do to get around this?