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ClickCell and MouseUp events problem


I am having trouble with the ClickCell grid event sometimes not firing. It can work 100 times with no problem and then miss 1 in 4 for several minutes.

I have tried using the following code but the same problem seems to be happening:

private void grdDiary_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
       UIElement aUIElement = grdDiary.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
       UltraGridCell cell = (UltraGridCell)aUIElement.GetContext(typeof(UltraGridCell));
       if (cell != null)
       {       etc...

When the MouseUp method fails to work (which again happens randomly) the UltraGridCell cell object is null. CellClickAction is set to RowSelect.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
