I'm using Version 9.1.20091.1000.
My UltraTree is in VieStyle=Standard and is unbound (I have manually defined the nodes).
I like to setup the tree that users can select just one node in the tree. How achieve this simple task?
I have found some advises like:
tree.Override.SelectionType = Single
tree.Nodes.Override.SelectionType = Single
tree.NodeLevelOverrides.SelectionType = Single
I have all set to 'Single', but I still can select multiple nodes (all Type of nodes, regardless if they have childrens or not).
Thanks for any help. Markus
I think this may have been a bug in the v9.1 release build. Try getting the latest service release:
How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community
I have no settings from code. Therefore, searching for 'SelectionType' gives only results from the designer.cs file.
As you can see, only Single-selection is set but I can select any node in my tree at the same time. Does any other settings influence that ?
C:\VS.NET\ETNEXT\VS\NEXT_BASE\User\FormUserGroups.Designer.cs(551): _override1.SelectionType = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.SelectType.Single;
C:\VS.NET\ETNEXT\VS\NEXT_BASE\User\FormUserGroups.Designer.cs(580): _override2.SelectionType = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.SelectType.Single;
C:\VS.NET\ETNEXT\VS\NEXT_BASE\User\FormUserGroups.Designer.cs(586): _override3.SelectionType = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.SelectType.Single;
Usage of above:
.TreeFunctions.NodeLevelOverrides.Add( _override1 );
That's how you do it. My gues is that it is set somewhere else and that setting is overriding the ones you know about. Search the solution for "SelectionType" and you will find all occurrences of where the property is being set.