We have a popup gallery of employee photos that the user can use to select an employee.
There are also a couple of other ways the user can select an employee. If the user uses one of these ways, then we want to update the photo in the popup gallery preview area (as if the user selected it).
I can't find a way to do this. I've tried gallery.selecteditem and photo.bringintoview.
Can you post a sample which reproduces the problem?
I tried i with the contians Function of the gallery i get true back but i also get the InvalidOperationException.
The PopupGalleryTool.Items collection has a Contains method which you could call to see if the item is present in the gallery.
Hello Mike
your soulution works fine but sometimes i get a InvalidOperationException "The item to bring into view does not exist in the gallery preview.". Is it possible to check if a Item exists in the gallery preview ?
Thanks it works now.
I searched the tool in the tools collection of the mdiparentmanager there are so many properties that i didn't found the mergedtools.