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WinDockManager Resize

I am using a WinDockManager to separate areas on my Winforms. Basic layout is an WinExplorerBar on the left side (Vertical split bar), an UltraGrid on the right(Horizontal split bar), and some buttons below the Ultragrid.  The WinExplorerBar occupies the first 'column' of the form, the Ultragrid occupies the second 'column' and is setup to dock to the top, and occupy the remaining horizontal space, with the bottom split bar set close to the bottom of the window, leaving enough room for the buttons I place there.  Works as expected, when I unpin the WinExplorerBar, it hides to a tab on the left, and the grid expands to occupy the complete width of the form, and when repinning the WinExplorer bar, the grid resizes horizontally to occupy the remaing space...great.  The problem is that if the Window is resized the splitter bar at the bottom of the grid does not remain in the same proximity to the bottom of the widow.  To clarify if I have a button anchored to the bottom right of the form, the button stays in the same relative spot to the bottom of the window, but the horizontal splitter bar moves farther away, if the window is expanded downward, or will  overlay / underlay the button area if the bottom of the window is moved up.  Is there any way to 'anchor' the bottom splitter bar to remain the same relative distance from the bottom of the form as initially set in design mode?