Hi, i load at runtime to a ultralabel a new image
lbltitel.Appearance.Image = Image.FromFile(sCompanyLogo_Titellogo_Filename)
' lbltitel.Appearance.Image.size = New System.Drawing.Size(125, 39)
now i want to resize the image , currently the size is 39,39 . but i cannot change the size to another one.could anyone help me?
Then it sound like you need to set AutoSize on the label to true to get it to size to it's contents.
Hi mike, thanks for your reply. I won't resize the image. when i start my application and show the form it was already an image loaded and this image was 39x39 pixel . at runtime i want load an image that has a size of 125x39 pixel. the image has already this size. but the ultralabel shrink it and display it only in 39x39 pixel the former original size .
The UltraLabel does not stretch images, as far as I know. You would probably have to load your image into a Bitmap and then resize it yourself. In fact, I think there is an overload of the constructor for the Bitmap class which takes in an original image and a new size.