In my application I have a requirement to display desktop alerts with different backcolors for different
condtions. I am using the UltraDeskTopAlert to display the alerts with different colors, for example
for condition 1 I show an alert with light blue backcolor
for condition 2 i show an alert with grey color and so on
The issue is when i mouse hover over the alerts the backcolor of the alert changes to the backcolor of
the alert last created.
Lets say if there are 3 alerts displayed with 3 different colors and when i mouse hover any or all the 3
alert(s), the backcolor changes.
Could you please let me know how to reolve this issue ?
I believe that this topic has already been discussed in the following forum thread: http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/t/33821.aspx.
Please do not hesitate to ask if something comes up.