1. I had designed a UltraToolbarsManager during runtime. Later I reduced the ribbon tab width by using the creation filter. Now i need to add some tools in the remaining ribbon area i.e at the red line marked area. (Please see attached picture.) Please guide me how to achieve it.
2. I also needed to change the border style during run time. how can i achieve it.
Thank you in advance.
Thankyou Mike,
I designed in a different manner.Thank you Once again for the good effort you had took
I would not suggest doing this. The tab width and the layout of its contents are highly controlled by the UltraToolbarsManager. By stepping on this with a creation filter, there's a good chance things will get messed up when the user resizes the Form. I already see a drawing problem with the caption of the last group. What are you trying to accomplish? There are many properties which can be used to control how the resizing and layout occurs. Perhaps I can solve your issue some other way by using the defined properties.