I have a ButtonTool that is part of an UltraToolBar, where I set the ShareProps.Caption to "Product Location..." when the ButtonTool is created. But when it is displayed it shows "Product Location"; when it is displayed I looked at the ButtonTool's properties the SharedProps.Caption it still was "Product Location..." but the CaptionResolved was "Product Location". What would be causing the "..." to be removed from this caption?
The CaptionResolved property first checks the InstanceProps.Caption property and returns it if set. If that is not set, then the SharedProps.Caption property will be returned. It looks like the InstanceProps.Caption of your ButtonTool in the UltraToolbar is set to "Product Location".
I just checked both the InstanceProps.Caption property and SharedProps.Caption, and they both returned a value of "Product Location..." at the same time that CaptionResolved property returned "Product Location". So I am still confused on what exactly the CaptionResolved property is being generated off of.
The only time a trailing ellipsis will be removed from the tool is when it is on a RibbonGroup and Office2007UICompatibility is set to True. The only other thing I can think of is that perhaps your tool has its CustomizedCaption property set. This would occur if the user customized the tool's caption at run-time and you are saving and loading layouts.