I have UltraMaskEditor Control I have set Property InputMask - # # # - # # #
i have enterd 123 - 1
but control doens't loose focus untill i didn;'t enterd full value as in Inputmask property Format.
how to loose focus from contorl event if i don't enter full value as in InputMask property Format.
Instead of '# # # - # # #' use '999 - 999'. And that's what, I think, Brian meant when he suggested you look at the table of valid mask characters in the Infragistcs Help.
It's funny that most of the time, Infragistics Team have a very poor answer and worst, NO ANSWER.
Here is want I think you want:
Protected Overrides Sub OnMaskValidationError(ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit.MaskValidationErrorEventArgs) e.Beep = False e.RetainFocus = False End Sub
How to use it. Please explain in Details
You have to use mask characters that denote optional input; the "9" character, for example, can be used for numeric only input, and does not require entry. There is a table of the supported mask characters here.