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UpdateMode.OnRowChangeOrLostFocus does not work if cell changed by context menu

I set the grid's UpdateMode to OnRowChangeOrLostFocus and it works fine unless I have a context menu on the row that updates a cell value. The row just stays in edit mode. In fact I can edit several rows and they all stay in edit mode unless or until I call row.Update(). The context menu just brings up an edit or copy choice that let's me edit the cell in a special xml text dialog so I have a larger edit area. When I close the dialog, I update the cell's value if anything changed in my edit dialog. Works if I call row.Update() after changing the cell value but that commits the edit for the row without allowing ESC to cancel the edit. Why doesn't UpdateMode=OnRowChangeOrLostFocuswork if I switch to another row? I have debugged that property is still set when I return form the dialog and changed the cell value.

- Dave