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Problem: Form with grid docked to fill. CPU util jumps when form width increased at runtime.

Using version 9.1.20091.2050 of the controls.

This is a bit hard to explain, so bear with me...

We have a grid docked to fill the form.
The grid has multiple display layouts that set the AutoFitStyle = ExtendLastColumn
The application's window is not maximized (user is able to resize the width of the form).

When the grid is displaying a layout that the right-most column's header is displayed on two lines and the user resizes the form, at the point when there is enough space for the two line header to change to one line, the application almost freezes and the CPU utilization jumps and stays at about 50%.

If you are able to grab the right side of the window and resize it back to where the column changes back to two lines, execution and CPU utilization return to normal.

There is no issue if you resize the column header using its own right-side border and make it wide enough so that the header text changes to one line. It is only when the form size is changed.

The form width doesn't appear to be an issue (happens at different widths for different layouts).

A possible work around seems to be to change the AutoFitStyle to ResizeAllColumns (probably also to None).

Has this issue been reported, or possibly fixed in a service release?


Thank you,

