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How to test if RowUIElement is FirstRow or LastRow?

In my DrawFilter routine I'm returning elements that are of RowUIElement.  Before I draw the custom borders for the RowUIElement, I need to test if it's the first or last row.  How would I test the RowUIElement for this condition?

  • 12773
    Verified Answer


    You can get the current index of the row by getting the row object form RowUIElement:
    RowUIElement uieRow = (RowUIElement)drawParams.Element;
           Int currIndex = uieRow.Row.Index;

    The index will help you to determine the row position in the grid , like 0 is the first row, the grid’s row count minus one will give you the last row index.

    I hope this helps.

    Developer Support Engineer
    Infragistics, Inc.