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What is the best strategy for deleting relationships in an UltraGridView for a M2M relationship?

My application has a navigable UltraWinTree in the left pane and an UltraGrid in the right pane that
shows the selected tree node.

Let's say I have a groups table, a computers table and a ComputerGroups table that shows the M2M relationship between computers and groups.

And there are some other tables I want to show in the child sub bands of a computer row so I am using a BindingSource tied to a DataSet so that I can drill down into a computer grid row and show the child sub bands. When a group tree node is selected I call UltraGrid.SetDataBinding with the BindingSource (my dataset) and the computers table name and use a grid_FilterRow event to decide what rows to show based on the tree node group name - e.g. show only the computers in whatever group is selected in the tree rather than all computers. Or in a different node, perhaps only the groups for the computer that is selected.

My question is - how do I capture the row delete such that the row is not actually deleted but rather I can just delete the relationship from the ComputerGroups table? Is this possible? Is my overall strategy ill thought? AfterRowDeleted seems too early and BeforeRowDeleted seems too late.

I could use some advice on the general strategy as I'm not enthused about having to filter the rows shown in a grid view rather than just give it an already subsetted data from a DataView.

Thanks, Dave

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