I am trying to create a task list, sort of like MS outlook's task /"to-do" list using the UltraWinCalendarInfo Schedule and MultiMonthView. I am binding to a dataset at runtime. I am able to get notes/description tooltip show in the proper dates. I am having trouble getting the MultiMonthView calendar Day background to change color to corresponding date of the note/task.
I could not find any information on a task dialog, only appointment dialog for the the UltraWinCalendarInfo. Is there a way to customize the appointment dialog, bind it to a dataset and use like the outlook task dialog.
Thanks for any help you can provide..
CHPEmpl said:I am having trouble getting the MultiMonthView calendar Day background to change color to corresponding date of the note/task.
CHPEmpl said:I could not find any information on a task dialog, only appointment dialog for the the UltraWinCalendarInfo. Is there a way to customize the appointment dialog, bind it to a dataset and use like the outlook task dialog.