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I have two problem with excel exporter function.  I have a grid with dynamic columns, and i added an unboud column at the end and set a formula to sum values of all columns. Below is the sample code i use for formula of an ubound column named "Total Amt".  (Yes you are seeing question marks, thats how i have in the column name coming from a sql stored procedure.)

At  InitializeLayout, i wrote:

AmountSpentFormula =  "[Tea Tour?9299?9298] + [Meeting?9154?9290] + [Reception?7503?9285] + [BBQ?9179?9258] + [Tea Tour?9299?9304] + [Tea Tour?9226?9310] + [Tea Tour?9226?9311] + [Breakfast?9206?9312] + 0"

e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["TotalAmt"].Formula = AmountSpentFormula; 


 When i see the result in the grid, all are fine, total amt is showing and calculating fine as expected.

But, when i export to excel using the following line, the app freezes.

   ultraGridExcelExporter.Export(ultraGrid1, "c:\\temp\\griddata.xls");


Note: When i comment the formual line from IntiliazeLayout event, grid shows fine w/o the total sum and export to excel works fine.


Please Help.


Also on the side note

How can i export the excel file to an user accessible folder / location, right now i use "c:\temp\griddata.xls" but not everyone have access to it when i publish this windows app.






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