I have a line chart that use time and prices. this shows the price an item was sold for at a specific time. I also want to add qty to this. I wanted to place the qty at the midpoint/anchor but all i can get is the price to show. I am using a dataset with SwapRowsAndColumns = true;
here is an example of the datatable
purchaseDate SellPrice QtySold
09/5/2009 5.00 2
10/1/2009 5.50 4
10/15/2009 4.00 7
i guess with the SwapRowsAndColumns = true it would look more like this?
Purchasedate 09/5/2009 10/1/2009 10/15/2009
SellPrice 5.00 5.50 4.00
QtySold 2 4 7
Does this make sense?
it sounds like you want to display QtySold in the datapoint tooltip, but you don't want it to affect the shape of the line series. is this correct?
if so, the best approach is to implement the IRenderLabel interface and write some code in the IRenderLabel.ToString(Hashtable context) method to get the desired QtySold label from your datasource and return that text.