I have setup a drag/drop operation of nodes in a WinTree. I am having two issues.
The first is, if I click on the and try to start dragging, it is kind of hit or miss. If I click on the node, then click again it will drag every time. Do I have to add code to the mousedown event to set the active node?
Issue 2 is that once I start dragging as I pass the node over other nodes, those other Nodes do not highlight so the user has no real input as to where he is dropping the node. In a regular .net TreeView this works by the following code.
System.Drawing.Point pn = utvDocPage.PointToClient(new System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y)); TreeNode tn = utvDocPage.GetNodeAt(pn); utvDocPage.Focus(); utvDocPage.SelectedNode = tn;
I tried to mimic this in the WinTree with no luck.
How can I accomplish this?
You should probably take a look at the 'UltraTree Drag and Drop' sample which is included with the SDK; it demonstrates a solution to this problem using the IUIElementDrawFilter interface.