1. I have a ultragrid with many rows, and i want to put a thick line after every 3 rows, is there a method or property that i can use to set the row bottom or top border thickness (like how we do in html tables)
2. I have a grid with two bands (0 and 1), when i expand to the second band, it expands and also at the end of the child rows, the header of the main band displays again, this happen for every tree level. Is there a way i can not have the header repeat for main band.
thanks in advance.
that's perfet, the rowspacingafter worked fine for me, i no longer needed the thick lines.
Bala said:1. I have a ultragrid with many rows, and i want to put a thick line after every 3 rows, is there a method or property that i can use to set the row bottom or top border thickness (like how we do in html tables)
No, there's no way to assign a thick border. But there is a property on the row called RowSpacingAfter which you could use the create a space after the row.
Bala said:2. I have a grid with two bands (0 and 1), when i expand to the second band, it expands and also at the end of the child rows, the header of the main band displays again, this happen for every tree level. Is there a way i can not have the header repeat for main band.
Yes, see the HeaderPlacement property on the override object.