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how to display the data values on the chart columns during runtime


The following is my coding


            UltraChart ultrachart1 = new UltraChart();
            ultrachart1.Parent = this;
            ultrachart1 .Location = new Point (20,20);
            ultrachart1.Size = new Size(800,700);


            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Server=xxx;DataBase = xxxx;Uid=xx;Pwd=xx;");
            SqlCommand StrCmd3 = new SqlCommand("Select * From xxx", con);
            SqlDataAdapter StrAdp3 = new SqlDataAdapter(StrCmd3);
            DataSet StrDs3 = new DataSet();
            ultraChart2.DataSource = StrDs3;


I am getting the display but the chart does not shows the data label values on the chart. how to display the data value on each column. kindly go through my coding  above and provide me the solution.

Thanks in advance.


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