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Calculate height of UltraTree

Hello everybody,

how can i calculate the height of the wintree before all nodes are expanded?

the problem is that i use the ultratree inside a UltraExplorerBarContainerControl, so before i set the container height i need the height of the treeview.

thank you

  • 70

    It is probably too late for an answer but I came access the same question and solved it by adding the height of all visible nodes in the tree:

            private void NavTree_AfterExpand(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
                UltraTree aktUltraTree = (UltraTree)sender;

            private void NavTree_AfterCollapse(object sender, NodeEventArgs e)
                UltraTree aktUltraTree = (UltraTree)sender;

            private void ResizeTree(UltraTree aktUltraTree)
                if (aktUltraTree.Tag != null && aktUltraTree.Tag is UltraExplorerBarGroup)
                    UltraExplorerBarGroup aktUltraExplorerBarGroup = (UltraExplorerBarGroup)aktUltraTree.Tag;
                    int height = CalculateTreeHeight(aktUltraTree);
                    aktUltraExplorerBarGroup.Settings.ContainerHeight = height + 10;

            private int CalculateTreeHeight(UltraTree aktUltraTree)
                int retval = 0;
                AddNodeHeights(aktUltraTree.Nodes, ref retval);
                return retval;

            private void AddNodeHeights(TreeNodesCollection nodes, ref int sum)
                if (nodes != null && nodes.Count > 0)
                    foreach (UltraTreeNode aktUltraTreeNode in nodes)
                        if (aktUltraTreeNode.Parent == null || aktUltraTreeNode.Parent.Expanded == true)
                            sum += aktUltraTreeNode.Bounds.Height;
                            AddNodeHeights(aktUltraTreeNode.Nodes, ref sum);