Hi all,
Can I change the existing resources of Roles in AppStylist?
For example: with UltraTabControl role, we have BlackTapHor resource (click on Resource tab). Can I change this resource?
Any helping will be appreciate :)
Hello Mike,
What Image??? I see Background Image property is set to "file" but I can not see any file name or information what this is. PLEASE can you tell me what "file" or anything else this is? ??
Looking at the .ISL file with notepad I just see some "cryptic" data after the <imageBackground> tag.
Hi Markus,
I can see by this screen shot, that there is no background color applied to this resource. But there is a background image.
So my guess is that if you are changing the background color and you are only seeing that color around the edges, it's because the background image is covering most of the object and there's only a little bit around the edges that is not covered.
Edit: I open the .ISL file in app stylist and select the Resources-tab. Then I select the GridRowOffice2K7Black_Active resource.
You wrote futher up in this thread that anything can be changed. As you can see (see attached pic) there is no property of the background color set.If the default color, however, would be orange, I changed the background color to any other color. In the preview, the border color changes. Why this?
I can not find where the orange back color is defined? Maybe I'm missing something how the app stylist is working.
I don't understand your question.
mac_swit said:But if I edit the Resource GridRowOffice2K7Black_Active in AppStylist, the preview shows some orange back color. How I can change this color?
What do you mean by "edit?" What, exactly, are you changing?
What is showing an orange color? There's no way I can guess where this color is coming from without knowing what it applies to and what you changed to make it appear. Even then, I couldn't tell you where it comes from off the top of my head.
What I usually do in a case like this where I am trying to find out where a color or appearance is coming from is, I will go through the UIRoles in AppStylist and reset them one at a time until the color goes away.
Hi Mike,
You said the resource can be changed as needed. But if I edit the Resource GridRowOffice2K7Black_Active in AppStylist, the preview shows some orange back color. How I can change this color?
There is no color set within the the back color properties. If I choose a back color, the preview changes the border color instead(?!).
Where the orange color comes from? ...and why does the border color changes?
Thanks for your help. Regards.