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Get rid of focus from ActiveCell and SelectedCell


I want to get rid of focus from ActiveCell and Selected cells  in UltraGrid on clicking other controls of the form.

I am loading data using binding datasource .

I  am using diffent back color for ActiveCell and Selected Cell.

When initially loaded I am not seeing any Activerow because I am using the following code.

grid.SyncWithCurrencyManager = false;
grid.ActiveCell = null;

But once I select a cell I am not able to get rid of that focus from the cell.

I am able to clear the the selected cells bit still focus on active cell(i dont know wheather it is

really active cell because when I tried the following I got Active cell as null)

grid.ActiveCell.Appearance.BackColor = "Yellow";(this line didnt work bcause ActiveCell is null).

then I tried

grid.ActiveCell = null;

no result.

how can I clear the focus and also color form that Cell.


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