I was wondering if there was a way to put an image on tooltip for a scatter plot/bubble chart, if so how?
I can currently displaying the image in a column in an UltraWinGrid which is binded to the datasource.
THe ScatterPlot has 2 numeric columns X,Y.
What you would have to do is handle FillSceneGraph event of the chart. You can loop through the Primitive objects in e.SceneGraph collection and look for PointSet primitives. Each PointSet represents a collection of scatter points within a series. The PointSet has points collection that represent datapoints, while each of these points has a point property that represents screen coordinates.
void ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.FillSceneGraphEventArgs e){ foreach (Primitive p in e.SceneGraph) { PointSet pointset = p as PointSet; if (pointset != null) { foreach (DataPoint datapoint in pointset.points) { Point pt = datapoint.point; //check if this point falls within your rectangle. //change the datapoints appearance based on that. } } }}
That is alright , that is what you support team also said when we called, however can you tell me the collection which holds all the datapoints in chart, so that i can loop through each of them , anc check if they fall into the area of my rectangle and i can highlight them and store them in a collection object.
Hope it makes sense.
Sorry, the chart doesn't directly support data point selection or the ability to drag data points. While it's technically possible to work around this by handling FillSceneGraph and moving the primitives around, I don't think I've ever seen anyone successfully implement this.
As for showing popups for multiple points, i guess the popup control container isn't able to stay open when the user clicks somewhere else. However, this is also beyond the functionality of the chart control and I can only speculate on how this can be accomplished, but I believe it should still be possible to create panels or even separate user controls and show them on screen as dialogs or by toggling their visibility.
On a datapoint we can have only one popupcontrol open at a time, once we move the mouse to another datapoint it automatically closes and popups up the data for that datapoint in the popup control.
I did not call the popupcontrol.close in the dataitemout event.
That is alright i think i can live without the rotation piece for now. Also is there a way in a 3d Point chart or 2d scatter chart to select multiple points, like drag and select multiple point with the mouse?
That way the user can export the selected data points from a cluster to whatever format.