I've got an UltraWinGrid with ScrollBars = Automatic, ScrollBounds = ScrollToFill, and ScrollStyle = Immediate.
My issue is at what width the horizontal scroll bar (becoming visible) is triggered. As I shrink the container that holds my grid, the horizontal scroll bar shows up well after the rightmost column header becomes truncated (hidden from view). Once the scroll bar appears, however, it allows me to scroll all the way to the right and see the entire last column.
But until I get to the 'magic spot' that causes the scroll bar to become visible, that last column is partially hidden from view with no scrollbars visible and thus, no way to read the entire column header.
Is there a way I can fix this so that the horizontal scroll bar appears exactly as soon as the last column header begins being truncated?
Let me know if there is more info that I can provide.
Thank you!
ScrollBounds only affects vertical scrolling, not horizontal. There is no equivalent property for horizontal scrolling. You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics.
Hi Mike,
i m definitily having the latest service release.
but i m facing the same problem.
i cannot set ScrollBounds = ScrollBounds.ScrollToFill for horizontal scrolling.
Horizontal bar allways behaves like : ScrollToLastItem.
did i miss something ? is there a known bug ?
Could you post some more information, like the call stack or the exact error message?
My guess is that your project references are incorrect or something did not install properly.
Hi, I installed the 2106 version then my whole project build with error, stated cannot find the 2017, any idea?
I delete the reference and readd in but still no luck.
The latest service release for v9.2 is 2106. So 2017 is very old. You should get the latest service release. I posted instructions in the first reply in this thread on how to get it.