I have an UltraWinGrid bound to a manually populated UltradataSource. There are 2 bands, one a child of the other. The parent band has 2 columns (A and B). A is a "category" and B is the actual value, which is unique. The child band contains multiple columns for which a summary values is displayed at the bottom. When I run a report with summaries(no groupings), the summary caption says "Summaries for A[i]" (i'th row in column A). I would like it to say "Summaries for B[i]" since this is the unique column. How can I achieve this?
Ah yes, that worked perfectly. Didn't know about the scrolltipfield property, still learning all the little details of the grid, since they are so flexible. Thanks!
I put a new grid on a form and bound it to an UltraDataSource. My UDS has two bands: "Band 0" and "Band 1".
Band 0 has two columns: "A" and "B". And Band 1 has a single integer column called "Column 0" with a Sum summary on it.
When I run the app and expand a parent row, the summary footer shows:
"Summaries for Band 1: XXX" - XXX in this case being the value of column "A" in the row.
Now, you left out the band name in your "Summaries for" text above, but it sounds like you want the XXX to be the value of column "B" and not "A".
If that's right, then the property that controls the summary footer is the SummaryFooterCaption property on the band. This property accepts certain replacement codes for values.The default value of this property is:
So as you can see, the value that's displayed comes from the ScrollTipField property. This property determines which column is display in the tooltips when you scroll the grid.
So, all you have to do is set the ScrollTipField on the parent band in the grid to "B".