I have an ultraExpandableGroupBox on a form and at design time with a view style of Office2007. In the attached zip file you can see the expansion indicator at design time.
At runtime using a style created with AppStylist, the expansion indicator is a plus sign. The style in the isl file is set to Office2007 for all components.
Using the Appstylist application it also shows the expansion indicator as a plus sign.
How can I get the expansion indicator during runtime to the same as at design time?
Take a look at the following thread:
In short, this is because the expansion indicator's ThemedElementAlpha is set to Transparent (through the base UIRole).
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the URL. For your information, in addition to setting the ThemeElementAlpha to Opaque1, you need to have the property UseOsThemes set to true or Default.