Hi ,
I am facing a problem with summary value changed event
when i have 4 rows int he grid and if update any value in a cell then summary value changed event is getting fired
but if i have 20 rows and vertical scroll bar is there for the grid then if i update the cell value then the summaryvalue changed event is not getting fired . once if i scroll down and bring the summary into the visible position then my summary value changed event is getting fired.
so how can i solve my problem with out scrolling down
and i have my summary displaying at the bottom
This is my case.
This code is from a sales entry form using barcode scanning. Normal cases its working fine. but some times the summary is not calculated. I think when it is having more rows or something like that. If I save the data to database and refresh the grid summary is working. but I need the summary changed after inserting each item to the grid. Pls help me.
Private Sub UltraGrid1_SummaryValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.SummaryValueChangedEventArgs) Handles UltraGrid1.SummaryValueChanged
If e.SummaryValue.Key = 23 Or e.SummaryValue.Key = 13 Then Txt_BillAmount.Text = Format(Math.Round(e.SummaryValue.Value, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero), "0.00")End If
End Sub
This is not a bug. Summary values are not calculated when they are out of view for efficiency purposes.So you will probably just need to trap for changes to the cells that the summary relies on. You could, for example, use the AfterCellUpdate event and trap for changes in the same column and then do whatever it is you want to do when the summary changes.
I was able to reproduce this behavior and it seems like a bug to me. I noticed the event is triggered by the SummaryValue.Value property get method, so it is possible that you can trigger the SummaryValueChanged event by querying that value in AfterExitEditMode or something like that.