I really like the AutoComplete feature of the UltraCombo, but I am having some trouble getting it to do what I want. I have an UltraCombo that drops down two columns. One column has values and the other descriptions. If the user types text I would like AutoComplete to filter based on the text and if the user types numbers I'd like to filter based on the values. Short of changing the "DisplayMember" property how can I set which column is used for AutoComplete?
I was creating a custom control based off of this infrastructure control. For our particular instance it would have been convenient to be able to specify the auto complete column. We have however came up with a work around (since you state there is no way to achieve this).
Thank you for your response.
I don't beleive there's any way to do this. Although it's not always the case, the ValueMember column is typically hidden from the user, so that the user deals with more friendly text rather than codes or primary keys. So in that case, it would not make sense to filter on it.
Do you want the user to only enter codes and not be able to filter based on the DisplayText at all? Or are you saying you want the user to be able to filter on either one?
Thanks for the response,
Sorry maybe I described it incorrectly.
I have a DataSet that has one DataTable that has two columns: Name and Code.
The UltraCombo properties are set as follows:
DataSource = DataSet
DataMember = DataTable
DisplayMember = Name
ValueMember = Code
AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend
So when a user types into the UltraCombo it filters on the DisplayMember "Name". When in fact I would like it to filter on ValueMember "Code".
I know the obvious suggestion is "Why not just make the DisplayMember = Code and ValueMember = Name?" but there are specific reasons that I don't do this; hwoever, I won't complicate matters by getting into why I'd rather not do this right now.
I am using Infragistics control v8.3.
Thanks for your time.
I'm not sure what you are asking. The AutoCompleteMode property will filter on the Display Text values in your combo, assuming you are using a recent version of the controls.
I am having trouble with this as well. I'm sorry I can't figure out how to filter on the Display Value?
What property do I alter to allow for this?
Thank you.