When I try to set the width of the first column (the value column) it's ignored. The setting does apply to subsequent columns. Is there a setting I'm missing? The control's DropDownWidth attribute is set to -1.
myUltraCombo.DataSource = LoadData()
'this is ignored even through there is lots of white spacemyUltraCombo.Rows.Band.Columns(0).Width = 50
'this is followed--truncates visible textmyUltraCombo.Rows.Band.Columns(1).Width = 50
Hi Jeff,
Does it work if you try to make it bigger?
My guess is that the combo needs more space for the first column because the first column includes the RowSelector.
Or... this might be an issue because the Combo's data source has more than one band and the combo is leaving space for the child bands - even though the Combo doesn't display child bands. As a test, try setting the combo.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowColSizing to Free before you set the width of the column and see if that helps.
What I ended up doing is creating a blank column in location 0 and then hiding it. Then I set column 1 and 2 to the exact widths that I wanted and everything was good. Yes, a bit of a hack, but it worked and looks great on screen.