I am trying to use the new ControlContainerEditor to allow me to use my custom control as the control that gets dropped down when a tree node goes into edit mode. I have instantiated my editor and set it as the EditingControl on the ControlContainerEditor but I it never shows up, and the node never goes into edit mode. There is no sample code given for doing this with tree nodes, only grids. Can you please post a small sample of how to do this?
Since you are not using cells (columns), CellClickAction and AllowCellEdit have no meaning here. The only thing you need to set to make the nodes editable is LabelEdit.
To get a dropdown in a node, you can use UltraTextEditor. Use the ButtonsRight collection to add a DropDownEditorButton and assign a Control to it. Then set the EditorControl on the node's Override to the UltraTextEditor.
thanks for that info, but that is not the same as I was asking for. I dont have columns in my tree, just single nodes that I want to display a drop down containing my custom control as an editor when the user clicks the tree node. I dont want the node height to be the height of the editor, it should remain the same default size. Can you provide a snippet of how to get a UltraTreeNode to be the host of the dropdown with the custom editor. I cant even seem to get the node to go into edit mode despite setting CellClickAction, LabelEdit, and AllowCellEdit to the appropriate values.
There is a sample that demonstrates how to do this, though it's contained within the Editors section of the samples. When you run the sample, the bottom-right GroupBox is the sample you're interested in, while in the solution the UltraTree Host folder contains the relevant logic.