In the rowinitialize event I found some code that you wrote to format a cell a certain way depending on it's value. It doesn't seem to change the format no matter what I do. I've set the useeditormasksettings to true but I'm not sure if that is applicable because I'm settign the format, not the mask.
e.Row.Cells["deriv_IV00102QtyOnHandStartLoc"].Column.UseEditorMaskSettings = true;
When I put in the line below setting it to a currency it works which means I'm not setting the format anywhere else by accident
e.Row.Cells["deriv_IV00102QtyOnHandStartLoc"].Column.Format = "c";
When I try the code you put up (i have the MyOwner class in there as well) the field is not formatted at all.
int x = 3;MyOwner myOwner;EditorWithText editor;switch (x) { case 1: myOwner = new MyOwner("d4"); break; case 2: myOwner = new MyOwner("e"); break; case 3: default: myOwner = new MyOwner("c"); break; }editor = new EditorWithText(myOwner);e.Row.Cells["deriv_IV00102QtyOnHandStartLoc"].Editor = editor;
Then in another class file I have:
public class MyOwner : Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.DefaultEditorOwner { private string format; public MyOwner(string format) { this.format = format; }
public override void GetFormatInfo(object ownerContext, out string format, out IFormatProvider provider) { base.GetFormatInfo(ownerContext, out format, out provider); format = this.format; } }
What am I missing so that the format of the cell is a certain way when the user is viewing the grid (not editing - I've got editing to work)?
Once I get this working what I will do next is change each individual value's decimal places depending on what the user has said the particular item's decimal places should show.
Sorry, you can ignore this issue. I am using Ideablade to build the grid and in their control configuration I had it set as a numeric editor and it needed to be a editmask editor.