I have an UltraCalendarInfo control and an UltraGrid control; I'm binding both to the same DataTable that contains my appointments records. (for the purpose of having a List View and Calendar View)
UltraGrid1.DataSource = DataTable1
UltraCalendarInfo1.DataBindingForAppointments.DataSource = DataTable1
So far so good.
Then when the user dbl-clicks on a row in the grid I display the corresponding appointment.
Dim aptToShow As UltraWinSchedule.Appointment
aptToShow = Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Appointments.GetAppointmentFromBindingListObject(e.Row.ListObject)
So far so good as well.
Then I have another UltraCalendarInfo control and UltraGrid control which are both bind to a DataView that is derived from the above DataTable. Its basicaly filtered.
UltraGrid2.DataSource = DataView1
UltraCalendarInfo2.DataBindingForAppointments.DataSource = DataView1
Here is where I'm having trouble, in the grid it displays the proper rows from the dataview, but the UltraCalendarInfo does not get the DataViews rows,
The UltraCalendarInfo2.Appointments.Count is always 0
I've done this same mechanism in another form and it works fine, but here for the life it I can't figure it out.
This did the trick!
Try setting DataBindingForAppointments.BindingContextControl = this, where 'this' is a reference to the form.