I have a windows application with an UltraChart binding to a DataTable. When I set the ChartType property to LineChart3D, UltraChart renders the data, showing three horizontal series ( 2905.31.00.00, 2904.31.00.00, 9904.31.00.00), just like the image.
When I set the ChartType property to LineChart, Ultrachart renders only two horizontal series ( 2905.31.00.00, 2904.31.00.00), just like the image.
The missing serie is on the lower-right corner. Exactly the same problem occurs with SplineChart3D and SplineChart. How can I set the UltraChart to show all the series?
i believe this is a bug which has been fixed in the latest available service release. try downloading it and see if it fixes the problem.
alternatively, try setting
Axis.X.Labels.Layout.Behavior = None