I've got a set of various windows that are being used in the dock manager. How do I set a default layout so that the first time it is opened up, the user has a basic set of windows in front of them. I want to start with three panes, one that takes up the left 2/3 of the screen. The second pane uses the top half of the remaining 1/3, and the third pane uses the bottom half. Anyone have any ideas?
I'll answer any questions you have if I'm not explaining this correctly.
Followed your scenario I was able to create a layout that you need.
First I am creating three DockAreaPane like:
DockAreaPane dockAreaTopLeft = new DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedLeft);
DockAreaPane dockAreaTopRight = new DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedRight);
DockAreaPane dockAreaBottom = new DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedBottom);
Then you need to set the appropriate size of each area according your sceanrio like:
dockAreaBottom.Size = new Size(this.Width, this.Height/2);
dockAreaTopRight.Size = new Size(this.Width/3, this.Height/2);
dockAreaTopLeft.Size = new Size(this.Width*2/3, this.Height/2);
Create some DockableControlPanes and add then to the DockAreaPanes.
And add your DockAreaPanes to your dock manager like:
manager.DockAreas.AddRange(new DockAreaPane[] {dockAreaBottom, dockAreaTopRight, dockAreaTopLeft } );
Please let me know if this is not what you are looking for.
Danko Valkov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.