I need my grid to be export to pdf in Landscape mode. Even I open pdf for view also it should be in Landscape mode.
But when I specify as TargetPaperOrientation property to Landscape alsow is not working.
Any luck?
Thanks in Advance.
I just tried this out with the latest version of 9.1 and it worked correctly for me. I set the TargetPaperOrientation to Landscape in the designer, then used the following code:
Report report = new Report();ISection section = report.AddSection();this.ultraGridDocumentExporter1.Export(this.ultraGrid1, section);report.Publish("Test.pdf", FileFormat.PDF);
I also tried a simpler export:
this.ultraGridDocumentExporter1.Export(this.ultraGrid1, "Test.pdf", Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.DocumentExport.GridExportFileFormat.PDF);
This may have been an issue that had already been addressed, so you should ensure that you have the latest service release.