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LineChart3D - How to?

Hi there,

I'm sure this is very simple and I'm missing something, but every time I try to show a Line3D chart, there is no way, that the "floor" and "left wall" have enough width...

I mean, the data is displayed OK, the chart on the control is Ok (nice perspective and view) but, the produced chart is quite "narrow", I'd say it's basically a 2D chart just with a little tilt.

I'm using VS 2008 (VB.Net)

Here is my code:

Dim Series_T0 As New NumericSeries()
Dim Series_T1 As New NumericSeries()


Series_T0.Label = "T-1 -> " + "AA"
Series_T1.Label = "T-2 -> " + "BB"

For dist As Short = 0 To Graphs_Scale Step DistStep
                    Series_T0.Points.Add(New NumericDataPoint(T1(0).TEMP(dist), CStr(dist), False))
                    Series_T1.Points.Add(New NumericDataPoint(T1(1).TEMP(dist), CStr(dist), False))

Next dist
End If



My point is, if I'm using the control with its default settings (looks really nice), why I'm not getting that perspective view and "depth" on both the "floor" and "left wall"?

Thanks in advance for any little help, code is appreciated!


  • 26458
    Offline posted

    Unfortunately, the width of the line segments cannot be increased, but you can change the 3d rotation and position the control at an angle that will give you more depth. For example, try setting the rotation in the following fashion:

    UltraChart1.Transform3D.XRotation = 120
    UltraChart1.Transform3D.YRotation = 30

  • 710

    No answers?

    Any help is very needed!
