I have a WinGrid that is bound to a BindingSource and has an 'add row' at the bottom of the entries. I am instantiating a new object in the BindingSource's AddingNew when a new object is required.
If the user has entered the Add Row but has not made any changes, when they click or tab away, the data in the row is cleared and the row is blank again. In normal operation, this works beautifully and is exactly the behaviour I want for the application.
My problem is that the form's 'Save' button is on the UltraToolbarsManager toolbar. If the focus is on the unmodified Add Row when 'Save' is clicked, the Add Row does not disappear in the normal way and the app attempts to save the empty row.
I know that clicking a toolbar button does not normally take focus or cause validation. I have tried moving focus in code with a SelectNext, which does get around the problem but I don't like this as a solution and wondered if there was a setting that I could use that would improve things. We are forcing validation of the active control on toolbar_click so if we could somehow make use of this, that would be good.
Thanks in advance.
Initially, I thought changing to a BindingList had solved the problem, but I had removed my focus changing code from the wrong form and when I noticed this had happened, realised that using BindingList doesn't make any difference.
After clicking on the Toolbar, the item is still in the list and so an attempt is made to persist it to the database.
I thought perhaps I could check each element for being "uncommitted" to the BindingList, but there doesn't seem to be any way of distinguishing in the BindingList whether an element is a "NewRow" in the way that you talk about it in your DataTable example.
Ah, okay. That makes sense. Try using (inherting from) BindingList (Of T), instead.
Hi Mike
Thanks very much for your efforts with this.
I guess the significant difference is that I am binding to a Collection (Of T) (actually a class that inherits from a Collection(Of T)) so there isn't a concept of an 'uncommitted row'.
Okay, I think maybe I was a little confused here about what the problem is.
I just tested this out. I created a grid bound to a DataTable with one row and I set AllowAddNew to TemplateOnBottom.
I added a Toolbar with a button and this code:
this.ultraGrid1.PerformAction(UltraGridAction.ExitEditMode, false, false); this.ultraGrid1.UpdateData(); Debug.WriteLine(dt1.Rows.Count);
I also added a button to the form, just to have something to lose focus to.
So I run this application and I see 2 rows in the grid. The first row is the "real" data row. The second is the TemplateAddRow.
I then click into the TemplateAddRow and make no changes. At this point, the TemplateAddRow becomes a regular AddNewRow. This row is added to the DataTable, because that's how the DataTable works. But this is not a "real" row and has not been committed to the data - it's still an AddNew row.
Not I click my toolbar button. At this point, nothing essentially happens. The grid looks the same, focus is still on the TemplateAddRow and the Datatable rows count is still 1 (the Count does not include the AddNewRow).
The AddNewRow probably still exists in the table since the grid still has focus on the AddNewRow. But that's not a problem.
Not I click on the button, just so the grid loses focus. At this point, the grid gets it's position updated by the DotNet BindingManager, and the first row becomes active and the AddRow reverts back to a TemplateAddRow.
All of this seems fine and correct to me. Are you getting some different results?
Yes, I'm calling UpdateData and as you say, this means that edits to an existing row get committed. However, it doesn't remove the unmodified add row.
I'm doing the following at the moment:
MdiChild.GetType.InvokeMember("ValidateActiveControl", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, Nothing, MdiChild, New Object() {False})EntriesGrid.UpdateData()Me.SelectNextControl(Me.ActiveControl, True, True, True, True) Me.SelectNextControl(Me.ActiveControl, False, True, True, True)
The first call to SelectNextControl causes the Add Row to be removed.